Welcome To LeadEmpire

Expanding Your Lead Opportunities

Amplifying Your Presence with Cutting-Edge AI and Digital Marketing Solutions

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    Lead Generation

    Lead generation in today's competitive market demands more than manual efforts. With our advanced AI algorithms, we analyze real estate data from various sources, delivering a precise and user-friendly lead list. Unlike others, we focus on high-converting leads, saving your time and effort. Our platform also provides real-time updates, streamlining lead tracking and analysis.

    • Attract new leads
    • Build brand awareness
    • Improve engagement
    Lead Generation

    Digital Marketing

    In today's fast-paced world, traditional methods like cold calling or door-to-door approaches aren't enough. Our AI-powered digital marketing services fill the gap, offering a complete range from SEO to PPC advertising. With targeted strategies, we ensure a steady flow of inbound leads, elevating your digital presence and success.

    • SEO and Social Media Marketing
    • Email Marketing - Content Marketing
    • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising
    Digital Marketing

    Customer Support

    Our consultation services are here to support your lead generation success. Our experienced consultants collaborate with you to develop tailored solutions, fostering customer loyalty and fueling clientele growth. Whether you seek guidance or innovative ideas, we're here to empower you every step of the way.

    • Working as a team,
    • listening to your customers
    • AI-powered , Chat , Phone & Email Support
    Customer Support

    Client Management System

    Experience convenience with our cutting-edge Client Management System (CMS). From agent bios to lead boards, ad designs and descriptions, it keeps all your leads in one place. Our goal is to simplify your work, and our CMS is pivotal in achieving that.

    • Support marketing and sales
    • Record of your customer data
    • Managing your clients and leads efficiently
    Client Management System
    Our Process

    How It Works!

    At LeadEmpire, our goal is to simplify the lead generation process for our partner real estate professionals, which would enable them to maximize their earnings and rocket their business to new heights. By giving the choice back to our clients, we aim to empower their business decisions and drive conversions.

    600+ Happy Agents

    Trusted by Thousands of Realtors

    Hear from our satisfied clients about their experience with our marketing solutions.

    I signed up with LeadEmpire  on 2-25, on Tuesday 2-27 received my first Lead, and again on Wednesday 2-28, I received another Lead way ahead of schedule. The Leads have answered the phone and welcome my call.

    Michael P.


    Customer service is great. David is calling me every week to check in with me and asking me how the leads are and can we improve anything. I am very happy I have decided to go with them. I am recommending Lead Empire to everybody.

    Emma .

    Marketing Manager

    I recently signed up to use leads from Lead Empire. They are very responsive to my needs and have been easy to work with. As a result, in my first month, I have received two solid leads that I have been following up with. No closings yet, but I expect they will come in 2025. Thanks to David and Henry and everyone on the Lead Empire team.

    William Hill.


    I can truly say my experience has been good. Daniel is my contact person and is always checking in with me. I am pleased .Her expertise and professionalism always shows. I am glad I joined.

    Michael M

    Business Owner

    I have received one lead so far & as of now it appears to be a good lead that could turn into listing their current home & helping them find a new home.

    Luna Levi


    Package Contents

    What's included in the package.
    To boost your real estate marketing efforts.

    Marketing Plan

    Strategize your marketing efforts with ease

    Streamline strategy with our guide for effective real estate marketing plans.

    Our Experts

    Marketing experts at your fingertips

    Our marketing experts use advanced marketing strategies to attract the right client at the right time.

    Exclusive Leads

    Boost your conversion rate with LeadEmpire

    Our digital marketing experts provide a wide range of real estate marketing  services.

    Complete Bundle

    Supercharge your real estate lead generation plans with our full package

    Unlock your business's full potential with our complete real estate marketing bundle. Gain access to all guides and marketing tools.


    Questions? We're glad you asked.

    If you're new or looking for answers to your questions, find solutions to common inquiries.

    • Freedom to choose areas.
    • Maximum 5 realtors in any selected area.
    • The leads are exclusive to you.
    •  No artificial competition.

    Our digital marketing experts provide a wide range of services, including SEO optimization and social media advertising.

    At Lead Empire, we have access to over 150 platforms, partner websites, and various lead sources such as SEO and backlinks. Our team of experts works tirelessly to drive sustainable lead-generation strategies that are designed to deliver results.
    Our targeted marketing campaigns and pay-per-click (PPC) strategies are tailored to specific geographical locations to ensure maximum impact. By utilising keyword targeting, we can identify the most relevant search terms.

    ● SEO, Backlinks, 150 Plus Partner Websites
    ● Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tiktok

    Our professional approach to lead verification begins with the collection of key information such as the name, email address, budget, prequalification status, and consent. However, we understand it is important to reach out to potential leads in a timely and efficient manner. That’s why we don’t stop at simple verification. Once we’ve confirmed that the information provided is accurate, we take it a step further by sending a text message and email to the provided contact details.

    ● Contact details, and email address verification.
    ● Consent of the buyers/sellers to be contacted by our partner agents.

    As soon as we receive a lead, our Account Executives connect with potential clients and schedule appointments for our partner agents depending on their availability.
    We’re also offering live call transfers to our partner agents. If a potential lead expresses interest in speaking with our trusted partners, depending upon the availability of the agent and the prospect, we’ll ensure a seamless live call transfer for the agents.

    ● Appointment setting
    ● Live transfers

    At Lead Empire,leads are distributed in a Round-robin manner. Once we confirm the contact details of a lead, our marketing experts forward the information to the realtor’s CMS profile. Both a text message and an email notification are sent to the realtor.
    However, we understand that some leads may not be a good fit for a realtor’s business. Our realtors have the right to decline a lead if they meet any of the following conditions:

    ● The lead is an existing customer
    ● The lead is outside of the realtor’s service area
    ● The contact information provided is invalid

    As a real estate lead generation company, our goal is to provide high-quality leads to our clients. Once a lead is forwarded, it is then the responsibility of the realtor to follow up with them, nurture them, and establish a working relationship. Our Account Executives are available to guide and support our clients in every step of the process. They can offer advice on how to effectively connect with leads and ultimately close.

    We understand that a successful transaction is a win-win situation for both the realtor and our company. Therefore, we only charge referral fees after the lead has been successfully closed. Our fee structure is transparent and agreed upon beforehand to avoid any confusion.

    ● Nurture leads, build relationships
    ● Close the deal, pay the referral fee

    No, our pricing is transparent, and there are no hidden costs or additional fees. You'll only pay the subscription fee associated with your chosen plan.
    Yes, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to ensure your satisfaction with our product.
    Last Call

    Ready to elevate your real estate lead generation?

    Unlock the full potential of your business with our complete marketing bundle.